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Community Mailboxes - Individual mailboxes - Money boxes - Key cabinets - Notice boards - Emergency key boxes - Medicine cabinets

JOMA: Mailbox manufacturers', safes, cabinets and other key products for the hardware and construction.


Thanks to constant innovation work, Joma is consolidated in the Spanish and international market within the strongestmailboxes manufacturers. The constant adaptation to international market with new product lines and especially forconstruction ailboxes and mailboxes for communities will ensure broad support for its customers.

Additional Info

  • Company name: Jose Mª Gallastegui y cia - JOMA
  • Street address: Av Gipuzkoa 32, 20500 Mondragon
  • Phone: +34 943 791655
  • Fax: +34 943 797955
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Website:

  • Contact person: Mikel Etxagibel
  • Wares: General hardware
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